Emily had such a passion for life and family even at two years old.

She loved AFL and was an Adelaide Crows (Tony Modra) fan and Carlton. One of my favourite memories is sitting up eating pizza and watching the footy. One of my friends used to Call Tony “God” which Em soon copied. We always joked that when she did get to Heaven she may have had something to say. I have learnt so much and I know she is the reason why I do so many things.

For the eight months that she was diagnosed, it still seems like such a blur. We had our good days and she loved being at the hospital with her new friends, everyone knew where they stood with her and that free spirit attitude would leave no doubt to what she was thinking.

She had a charm about her that made everyone fall in love and admire her  courage. Julie - Emily's mum

The hardest part was I had taken her to the doctors several times as she was not right, each time I was turned away. It was only when she stopped walking and her skin turned a grey/yellow that we were referred to the Children’s Hospital. It was then that I bumped into another couple from Horsham who lived not far from us and they told us their son (4yr old) had the same thing.

Emily with little bib

The treatment was horrid and she was having two different types of chemo, she was also having blood and plasma transfusions.

The ironic thing was after they told us there was nothing else they could do for her (and stopped all treatment) she had a couple of really good months. People thought she had been cured.

I know there are so many people who say that their loved one was sent for a reason, and I guess that’s how I feel about her. She was so special and it still hurts like all hell that she’s gone.  Julie, Emily's mum

Emily was born on 7 January 1992, she was diagnosed the 29 December 1993 and passed away 12 August 1994.