Scientific research is the key to finding effective treatments that are calibrated specifically for children.  

Because the vast majority of cancer research funding goes to adult cancer research, most treatments for neuroblastoma are designed for adult bodies.  These treatments can therefore be incredibly toxic and traumatic for young children, and leave lasting side effects. And, as we also know, in nearly half of the cases of aggressive neuroblastoma the treatments fail. 

It's why our fundraising focuses on supporting research projects.  Without the help of our generous donors and supporters, many important projects that have the potential to change children's lives simply could not happen.   

Current and New Project Updates 

Neuroblastoma Australia has been funding research projects since 2014.  By their very nature, these projects can take a number of years to conduct the research work and present the findings with the view to moving towards clinical trials taking place. 

During that time, we like to share project updates with you so you can see how your donations are continuing to make a difference:

1. Venetoclax combination study


Dr. Jamie Fletcher       Dr. Toby Trahair

Project: A promising new drug combination for aggressive neuroblastoma

Project leader: Dr. Jamie Fletcher and Dr. Toby Trahair, Children's Cancer Institute

Project update: Following successful developments in this program, Neuroblastoma Australia was pleased to provide a continuation grant of $50,000 in 2022. 

2. CAR T cell therapy for neuroblastoma

Dr. Alla Dolkinov

Project: Using MYC inhibitors to potentiate CART cell therapy for neuroblastoma

Project Leader: Dr. Alla Dolkinov, Children's Cancer Institute

Project update: Since project inception Dr. Dolinkov and her research team has made good progress with the data generated.We are excited about the project's on-going potential to move to the next stage to attract significant funding from either government or pharmaceutical organisations.  As such Neuroblastoma Australia was delighted to fund a continuation grant of $50,000 in 2022. 

3. High-risk neuroblastoma with TERT oncogene (new proposal)

Photo of Associate Professor Tao Liu

Assoc. Professor Tao Liu

Project: High-risk neuroblastoma cases with TERT oncogene rearrangement

Project leader: Associate Professor Tao Liu, Children's Cancer Institute

Project update: Following discoveries made in the initial TERT project, AP Liu submitted a NEW grant proposal for $125,000. The proposal was assessed by our world class Scientific Board which approved and recommended Neuroblastoma Australia provide further funding from 2022 to 2024. 

4. NEW project:  Chromatin and Mitochondria Directed Therapy

Dr. Belamy Cheung

Project: Development of novel therapeutics to treat neuroblastoma with reduced toxicity

Project Leader: Dr. Belamy Cheung, Children's Cancer Institute 

Project Overview: This project is jointly funded by Neuroblastoma Australia ($72,000) and Kids' Cancer Project ($100,000).  This is our charity's first funding partnership and we're delighted to be able to work with Kids' Cancer Project to ensure Dr. Belamy can undertake her important research.