Many of us would not expect cancer to affect young children, but sadly this is not the case. Neuroblastoma is a cancer which affects primarily babies and toddlers and it is the most fatal cancer affecting children under 5 years of age.

Why We Need Your Help

Current treatments for neuroblastoma are simply not good enough. Unfortunately they are only effective in 50% of cases for children with high risk neuroblastoma. The treatments themselves are not suited to young children. Due to limited research, treatments used have often evolved from adult therapies and have not been developed for young, developing bodies. 

As a result of their toxicity, they often leave late effects which include hearing loss, infertility, heart and lung problems, learning difficulties and increased risk of secondary cancers.

Neuroblastoma Australia is the only charity 100% focused on finding a cure for neuroblastoma. It focuses on raising funds for leading research, not only to ensure that all children with Neuroblastoma survive through more effective treatments, but also that they thrive afterwards.

Your donation will help us support the research desperately needed to improve treatment outcomes for vulnerable children.  Projects we fund are selected by global scientific neuroblastoma experts to ensure that the very best research is well supported.


Children, like Mackenzie, have to endure chemotherapy within weeks of being born

Mackenzie's mum explained that she and her husband, Jacob, noticed Mackenzie's abdomen was large and rather distended. Concerned that there didn't seem to be any improvement, they went to the GP who then sent them straight to Emergency at the Queensland Children’s Hospital. Mackenzie had to start chemotherapy within days of diagnosis as the neuroblastoma had already spread to her liver, and there was also a small amount in her bone marrow.


Watching your baby go through chemotherapy is heart-wrenching, but it is the only option you have to save your child. Every parent would desperately like to see kinder treatments being developed without all the side-effects.Ally, Mackenzie's mum

Mackenzie is now 6 months old and has completed four rounds of chemotherapy. She is doing well with scans showing that the main tumour in her adrenal gland has shrunk and the cancer has gone from her liver.  It is hoped that there will not be a need for any further treatment.

We are so pleased to share this positive story but need your help to ensure all children do survive and that they don't just survive but thrive afterwards too!

Childhood Cancer is Significantly Underfunded

Only around 10% of Government cancer research funding goes to childhood cancer research and sadly as neuroblastoma is a rare disease it attracts little investment from large pharmaceutical companies.

The community plays a critical role in supporting young children impacted by this devastating disease.

*data sourced from NHRMC and MRFF from 2018 to 2022.

Support our World-Class Research

You can donate today to support our current research grants round where we select the very best research using a panel of international experts. 

As the end of the financial year approaches, please consider making a donation to Neuroblastoma Australia. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Your donation brings us closer to a future where all children, like Mackenzie, survive and thrive.