In 2017, Nixon (then just two years old) was suffering from high temperatures, was extremely lethargic and had no appetite.

‘It’s viral’ was the diagnosis twice given to his worried parents Tameka and Dan when they took him to hospital. Nixon in hospital undergoing treatment for neuroblastoma

It wasn’t until Nixon started experiencing severe pain in his abdomen in July 2017 that blood tests were finally conducted and came back abnormal.

At 2am on 27 July 2017, Nixon’s parents received the news that their little boy was extremely anemic and had an enlarged liver. The couple’s worst fears were confirmed when a primary tumor was discovered in his abdomen, along with nodes in his chest.

Nixon was transferred to Lady Cilento Children's Hospital where he was put under for a CT scan and then again for a central line that was inserted into his chest. A biopsy of the tumor was taken along with marrow aspirations. 

"The cancer was throughout his abdomen (from his pelvis to his diaphragm), there were spots on his chest, right arm bone and both thigh bones."Tameka, Nixon’s mum

Chemotherapy started the very next day. The cancer was pushing up onto Nixon’s diaphragm making it hard for him to breathe, so he also ended up on oxygen. One week later he was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Since the diagnosis, little Nixon has had to endure:Nixon lying in a hospital bed

  • 8 months of horrible chemotherapy and the side effects
  • 33 blood product transfusions
  • 3 PICU admissions
  • 12-hour major abdominal surgery where 85% of the cancer was removed
  • 21 general anesthetics
  • 62 GCSF Needles in his leg
  • 2 stem cell transplants with high dose chemotherapy
  • 12 sessions of radiation
  • 231 days in hospital
  • 4 months of extensive immunotherapy

The chemotherapy also caused hearing loss (Nixon now wears hearing aids).

"Words cannot describe the amount of love that we have for our amazing little man. Always a cheeky smile on his face."Tameka, Nixon’s mum

The couple is also grateful to the amazing staff at Lady Cilento and Ronald McDonald House for their support during this incredibly tough journey.

Nixon’s was a Run2Cure Neuroblastoma Superhero in 2019 and his family worked incredibly hard to raise funds for more research into this aggressive cancer. 

Very sadly Nixon relapsed from neuroblastoma in September 2019. Nixon took part in a number of clinical trials and his parents tried everything there was available to save him.

Nixon very sadly passed away on 17th October 2021 from relapsed neuroblastoma.

It is devastating to lose such precious children and more research simply must be done.