Donate Support our appeals Henry's Christmas Appeal Donate Fundraise With a donation this Christmas, you can help us fund new research to find a cure within our lifetimes Please select a donation amount (required) $60 A donation of $60 will provide an activity pack for children undergoing treatment $100 A donation of $100 will support laboratory equipment needed to conduct research $250 A donation of $250 helps scientists screen new drugs for better, safer, kinder treatments $500 A donation of $500 helps fund six months research supplies needed to understand the causes of neuroblastoma $1,000 A donation of $1,000 or more helps pay for the advanced technology researchers need to examine neuroblastoma samples to design better treatments Other Set up a regular donationDonate Receiving a rare cancer diagnosis as an adult is heartbreaking. Discovering just six years later that your young child has an almost identical cancer is unthinkable. In 2022, Henry's parents experienced the unthinkable. In 2015, at the age of 27, George was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called ganglioneuroblastoma. After undergoing surgery and radiotherapy the results were thankfully all clear and George was able to return to normal life with his wife Steph and his young family. Their world was however suddenly shattered in December last year, when their seven-year-old son, Henry, fell in the school playground. Experiencing severe stomach pains, Henry's parents rushed him to hospital. George, shares his family's story. "Henry underwent urgent tests and scans in hospital just before Christmas and we received the heart-wrenching news that Henry had been diagnosed with neuroblastoma. I was beyond devastated as I knew all too well how brutal a neuroblastoma diagnosis could be having gone through surgery and radiotherapy for my own cancer in 2015. I had enquired at the time if there could be a hereditary genetic link and was told that this was extremely unlikely and the chance of this happening was less than 1% so when we received the diagnosis, it was so hard to accept.Our world was therefore shattered when we discovered Henry would also have to battle this terrible disease. George, Henry's dad In the midst of the holiday season, Henry started his first round of chemotherapy. A daunting battle lay ahead for Henry and our family, one fraught with the promise of relentless challenges and uncertainty. The treatment path prescribed involved multiple rounds of intensive chemotherapy to reduce the tumour’s size, followed by surgery and further therapies, including radiation and immunotherapy. The journey was gruelling, and the first round of intensive chemotherapy proved to be an uphill struggle for Henry. On his third round of chemo the complications increased. Henry developed fluid in his lungs and a low blood count which made breathing and mobility unbearably difficult. Despite the small gains in Henry's health, scheduled testing revealed the presence of more cancer within his fragile body. Scans unveiled secondary neuroblastoma growths in his right leg, both lungs, left lymph node, and spine – metastases that had emerged since the initial December diagnosis. This devastating development catapulted Henry into the high-risk category of neuroblastoma, requiring an even more intense treatment regime. Tragically, on the 26th of March 2023, our brave little hero, Henry, could no longer withstand the relentless onslaught of neuroblastoma." Read Henry's full story here Help Find a Cure Join Henry's parents and Neuroblastoma Australia in our mission to make sure every child diagnosed with neuroblastoma can look forward to a future, a future where they get the chance to grow up and lead a long and healthy life. Henry's parents, like other families affected by neuroblastoma, are desperate for more research to be done so this doesn’t happen to other families. More research is needed to get a better understanding as to why this disease occurs, to identify all the genes involved and to then to develop more effective and safer treatments. Although George was originally told there was unlikely to be a genetic link, subsequent research identified a common gene between George and his son Henry. More research is urgently needed to understand these genetics so children like Henry can be cured. How Your Money Helps Neuroblastoma Australia, has donated nearly $3 million to leading innovative research into neuroblastoma to date. We are the only charity in Australia solely focused on neuroblastoma cancer. Research funded is selected through a robust selection process with the expertise of an international expert group of scientists. Donations from Henry's Christmas Appeal will go to support a research project looking at improving understanding of an aggressive cancer gene and how that might be targetted effectively. You can read about this project here. As Christmas approaches please consider making a donation, if you are able to, to Neuroblastoma Australia. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Every child deserves the chance to grow up. Please select a donation amount (required) $60 A donation of $60 will provide an activity pack for children undergoing treatment $100 A donation of $100 will support laboratory equipment needed to conduct research $250 A donation of $250 helps scientists screen new drugs for better, safer, kinder treatments $500 A donation of $500 helps fund six months research supplies needed to understand the causes of neuroblastoma $1,000 A donation of $1,000 or more helps pay for the advanced technology researchers need to examine neuroblastoma samples to design better treatments Other Set up a regular donationDonate Manage Cookie Preferences