Little ones can do big things too - and Noah Lord proves it. A resilient, spirited and strong-willed kid, who has not let neuroblastoma slow him down.

2020 was always going to be busy for us. We were excitedly planning to build our new home and preparing for the arrival of our fourth baby. But it all changed with just one X-ray. 

In early November 2019 Noah developed a limp, but it never seemed to slow him down. He continued to be the same energetic 2-year-old as toddlers are. After a week of rest and no signs of improvement we began investigations into the limp. 

After the X-rays and an ultrasound of the hips came out as normal, we went on to get an X-ray of his knees. There staring at us on the screen was a large mass in his left femur. It was in that moment that life as we knew it was going to change forever. 

We were transferred to the Children’s Hospital Westmead Sydney the very next day. Over the course of the following days, Noah underwent several scans, biopsies, blood tests and the insertion of a central line.  

Noah's left leg was put into the first of many casts and we were told not to let him bear weight on that leg for fear of fracturing the bone around the tumour. But in true Noah style this did not slow him down either and he learnt to master walking even with the cast on.  

On the 29th November 2019, four days after being admitted into Westmead Hospital, we were left shaken with the worst news bearing just four little words “Your son has cancer”. Noah was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma. He had a large primary mass on his left adrenal gland and it had metastasised throughout his body. 

Two days later we began our long journey of chemotherapy. 

Since then, Noah has endured 7 rounds of chemotherapy, 3 months of his leg in a cast, 1 successful surgery for tumour removal, 2 stem cell transplants, 12 days of radiation therapy, 5 rounds of immunotherapy, isolation and the introduction of his newest brother, in the midst of a global pandemic. Then two weeks before returning to Sydney for what would have been our last round of treatment, we received a call from our oncologist, a call we wished we never had to take.

The results of Noah’s last MIBG scan were not what we would have liked. A small collection of active cancer cells were present on his left knee where his original tumour was.

His cancer had returned.

We were devastated and shattered, to have come so far and gotten so close to the finish line.

We returned and completed 12 days of radical radiation therapy to his left femur before completing his final round of immunotherapy. The doctors were confident that radiation would be enough for his treatment, as it was an isolated growth of cells.

It has been hard to watch Noah suffer through such intense pain but everyday he shines bright with his passion for his beloved superheros, Fireman Sam, fire trucks, dinosaurs and helicopters. He shows strength and determination to beat this dreaded disease. He has amazed everyone with how he has handled such demanding treatment.

But as tough as we have had it, we still consider ourselves lucky. We embrace each day and continue to fight for not only us but also for those who no longer can. We are committed to supporting Run2Cure 2021 and spreading awareness about neuroblastoma childhood cancer.

We are hopeful for a future with improved treatments and eventually one day a cure.

We are eagerly looking forward to returning home to our new normal soon in 2021.